


1: エコまる(光) [US] 2019/10/18(金) 11:44:01.12 ID:8+AefS5d0 BE:292723191-PLT(19081)
A group of deep-sea scavengers were spotted feasting on the remains of a whale by ocean
researchers who looked on as the fish, octopods, and marine worms picked the huge carcass clean.

The Nautilus Live team filmed their macabre encounter during a livestream of their underwater explorations off the coast of California,
and crew members can be heard gasping in awe at the exciting scene rarely caught on camera.

Close-up shots show octopuses clamped on to the skeletal remains of the giant mammal, identified by the marine experts as a baleen whale.
Osedax, or ‘bone-eating’, worms are also hard at work living up to their name, boring into the last remnants of the whale.


アメリカの生物学者さん、Youtubeで深海調査の様子を生配信中していたところ大きなクジラの骨とそれに群がる無数の深海生物群を発見する(動画あり) – アクアカタリスト


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引用元: タコがクジラを食ってた


Source: 不思議.NET

